
Rock et metal progressifs, science-fiction, jeu de rôle et divagations de vieux gauchiste; maison fondée en 2002

Category Kuro5hin

Articles (en anglais) provenant de mon “Diary” sur Kuro5hin (2002)

Ninety degrees from everything else

No Bag of Tricks these days, I’m on holiday. So there. Instead, something a little more personal. Have you ever felt like the complete antithesis to what is happening around you? I have. I hate it. Saturday we were invited… Continue Reading →

Bag of Tricks: King Heinrich is dead!

He was a mean bastard, but down he went, him and his clique of skeleton warriors and bone witches. Which means I finished Return to Castle Wolfenstein. When I bought Return to Castle Wolfenstein (RtCW), I was expecting a nice… Continue Reading →

Bag of Tricks: Spiderman vs. Shelob

So there was a porcupine tree, frogs and princes, adventurers in Middle-Earth, Nazi Uebersoldaten and some nerd in a red and blue costume. Oh, and Mister Garibaldi, too. Quite a packed week-end, I tell you! Last week-end, I bought Stars… Continue Reading →

Bag of Tricks: Armchair God

It’s a simple Earth-meet-Aliens story. It’s part Lord of the Rings, part Adam Warren’s Dirty Pair, with a bit of Elfquest thrown in. It’s my world — and welcome into it! It all started when I got into role-playing games,… Continue Reading →

Bag of Tricks: Get out of my Head!

I love anime, and I love my girlfriend too. But sometimes I feel like I could yell, kill her and then hurl my DVD player out of the second-story window. The reason: soundtrack. Now I understand that J-Pop (that’s Japanese… Continue Reading →

Bag of Tricks: A Room Full of This

A little bit of music, a little bit of movies, a pich of animes and a few facts of life. All this in this new selection from the Bag of Tricks. And more… So there was this Star Wars: Attack… Continue Reading →


I went to see Star Wars:Attack of the Clones yesterday. Bless the World Cup and sunny weather: the theater was almost empty. But you won’t get a review today, sorry. I was about to, but then I got the news… Continue Reading →

Bag of Tricks: Of Gods and Men

You see, I had this weird dream (is there any other kind of dreams, by the way?) about going back to my old high school and talking with a priest about my religious convictions (or, arguably, the lack thereof). The… Continue Reading →

Bag of Tricks: Blowing up The World, Feng Shui-style

What happen when you mix a noodle-making old kung fu master, (quite literaly) cat burglar siblings, a street-savvy Hong Kong tech head, a 19th century Wiccan sorcerer, hordes of mooks, idiotic plots and Evil Lunatics? Well, our average game of… Continue Reading →

Bag of Tricks: Enter the Spriggan

OK, first review then, more or less. I’ll start with an anime: Spriggan (or “The Spriggan”). I’ve been waiting for this one for a long time, salivating in front of the ADV trailer. Finally it’s here, and I’m stuck with… Continue Reading →

Bag of Tricks: An Intro

Okay, into the fray then. Theantix‘ Who You Are story incited me to make the plunge and start my own blog. That’s the easy part. The hard part is, what am I going to talk / write about? There came… Continue Reading →

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